
Felarya: Anko's Secret ( I )

Deviation Actions

Daiyoukai-sama's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 1 – Explosive Tryst

„Captain…“, a slenderly built man slowing approached another man that was holding a telescope and kept a careful look at the shore. “Captain, we have passed Shillapo Island. It’s time to set course to north-west.” A shallow breeze blew over the water but the sea was plain as a mirror. Seldom for those dangerous waters.

“Yes, it is time”, the captain tight-lipped replied. Sailing the Topazial sea was dangerous and you always had to stay alert or you would end in a rather unpleasant situation. The command “Set course north-west” was issued quite soft-spoken. You never knew who or what was close. Better don’t make somebody aware that there was a ship. The ship was not too big, but had pretty much space for load. About twenty crewmembers where onboard and they had already crossed the most fearful spots of the journey.

“My nerves are on the edge”, one of the deckhands stuttered. “We nearly went into the Reef of Ryzelm. We barely managed to cross the Great Topazial rift. I thought several times my heart would drop – I am… all the instruments failed and we only had our captains treasure trove of experience to make it through.” The other men mumbled and finally somebody responded at a very low voice “Shut yer trap, we are not… we… we are not yet there. It brings bad luck to talk about it.” It was common knowledge and proverb that seafaring man that think they made it land in a mermaids belly for sure.

Right in that moment a big tremor shook the whole ship just like it would be match adrift within a heavy storm. “Oh my gosh... wha…. wha…”, the sailors gasped for breath. “Silence”, echoed the captain’s voice. “Keep it down”, the ships first officer added. “Or do you want to doom all of us”, the commander shaking himself continued quietly. The man sitting in the crow's nest suddenly began to move his hands franticly, but not a single word came from his mouth even so he tried very hard to yell something down to the crew. “What…?” Several man approached the main mast to get to know what their comrade in the crow’s nest wanted to tell them, but none of them could get it.

“Ace?” “Aisle?” “Farce?” Everybody seemed to be confused.

Suddenly a female voice joined the guessing game. A voice that had by far more spatial vibe than any other voice heard until now. “May I play along the game? I guess… hmmm… base?” The female voice hushed for a few seconds, before it raised again. “Correct? So… I assume I won a price. Can I choose? I can, right.”

Some of the seafarer were rushing to the guardrail, because the voice seemed to come from there. Others did the exact opposite as they went to the guardrail at the other side of the ship trembling in fear. Right in that moment the man in the crow’s nest regained this voice “MEEEEEERMAIDS!!”

Anko, the originator of the female voice, turned her head from left to right and also laid it back while more and more faces appeared at the guardrail of the ship. Some of them disappeared right away, but some just remained there with totally freaked out miens. “Mermaids?” Anko asked while her face barely was piercing the mirror smooth surface of the water. The flat surface broke as the giant mermaid’s right arm reached out of the water going easily up the height of the crow’s nest of the ship. The men on deck saw a blue pillar going up from the water and were showered by the salty sea water dripping from the giant arm.

“Mermaids.” Anko repeated and grabbed the human on the top of the ship with two fingers, lifting him up first and then slowing down in front of her eyes. The human struggled and moved around hectically, but the two blue fingers wouldn’t let him escape. “Could it be that you have issues with your eyes…”, Anko started, because there was no other mermaid around. “Please, let me down – don’t eat me – I’ve a wife and four children – I beg you!”, the human, emotionally stirred up, puled.

Anko started giggling. “Sorry, I only do one wish per customer. Down we go.” The mermaid moved her hand a little bit towards the ship, right until the human was positioned directly above her mouth. Her well-formed lips started to part. The man that Anko was holding started to scream while the man, still standing on deck, were watching this surreal scenery. More and more of the giant mermaids pink colored pharynx got visible. Only one split-second later an impressive sight was granted to all the humans around – the opened mouth of the mermaid could easily house several humans at once. With a little hum of pleasure Anko set her captive free so that he could softly land on her brawny tongue before she right away closed her lips.

“Hmmm… Hwahnm…”, the mermaid crooned with a pleasurably smile on her face as she shoved the human around in her vast mouth, pressing him against each of her giant cheeks from the inside. Salty air-dried human was the best thing you could get out on the sea she thought. The humans at the guiderail looked at her with terrified expressions on their faces. Some even started to pray full-throated. Anko could not resist to play a little prank on them. She shaped her lips as she would blow them a kiss and opened a little spot right in the middle. With little tongue acrobatics Anko managed to push the head of her nosh out between her lips and suddenly the dull screams became clear again.

“Help me. Please… Heeeel…”, the human squalled with all his might at his comrades standing on the guiderail. Anko’s eyes sparkled as she suddenly sucked the human in and gulped him down right away.

“Yammy”, said the mermaid with now empty mouth while the people on the deck of the ship saw a little bulge wandering down her beautiful throat, knowing that their fellow human was devaluated to a mere lump of meat by the giant mermaid right before their eyes. Silence beset the crew of the ship. One human shook his head increasingly fast until the madness before his eyes made him snap and start screaming obsessively.

“Oh. I assume we have a volunteer to be next”, Anko commented with a certain pleasant anticipation vibrating in her voice. “Don’t run you little sweethearts - there is no way to hide anyway.” Anko added giggling and moved her giant body into a vertical position so that she could easily watch what happened on the ship’s deck. The humans recoiled from the railing while the mermaids face moved up from the water and her mesmerizing blue eyes laid their gaze on them.

Her eyes moved around like the eyes of a little kid at the candy store; not sure which piece to choose next. As soon as she stretched out her hand the humans started to flee and run around on the ship chaotically. “Oh... stop it... you make it harder than it must be, honeys” Anko said while grabbing one of the men and putting him into her mouth by pushing him playfully in with one finger slowing twisting. “Tasty. Tasty. Like mother serves…” The mermaid praise luxurious with both her hands now fondling her cheeks.

The captain silently had observed the scenery but was astonishing calm as if this kind of situation was as normal as taking breakfast in the morning. “Adula”, the captain said to the man right beside him; but he didn’t respond as he trembled in fear while looking at the blue mermaid pulling up another man which right away vanished followed by a gruesome gulping sound. “CHIEF OFFICER – GET YOUR GRIP” the captain yelled and shook the man grabbing his shoulder. “Captain, all of us will die… “, the man replied. “Cut that out, Adula. Go down into the cargo bay and get one of the black painted barrels up… be careful and do it as fast as if your life would depend on it!”

The man named Adula went down via the stairway at the front of the ship and searched for the barrel the captain wanted. He just was not able to calm down as the screams and devout ejaculations he heard from above surely were not answered by that terrifying creature right beside the ship. “Got it!”, Adula signed somehow eased – not even knowing how that small black barrel could be of any help. Faith. He had to have faith in the captain. That barrel would save them. How? That didn’t matter. He told himself that this would be the solution. A mermaid repellant of some sorts.

Adula stormed towards the stairs, but before he could make it up at least ten man run downwards in their desperate attempt to escape the reach of the giant predator waiting outside. “Let me through!!!” he bawled at them, but nobody was listening – even kicking him aside.

“That’s not fair little honeys…”, was audible from above. “You don’t want to see an annoyed Anko, do you? So come out and let’s continue playing.” Adula winced while looking at the light that shone down on the stairs. “Where’s the captain”, he asked. “Tell me, is he hiding above? I need to bring him this barrel”, he tried to explain with a certain urgency in this voice. “He won’t need it, Adula. He won’t need it where he now is…” one of the men replied shaking in pure terror.

No. It couldn’t be. Adula would never believe that. The mermaid got the captain? The man that sailed the most fearsome areas of the sea for more than two decades? That was simple not possible! “You LIAR!!!” he shouted, tightened the grip on the barrel and run screaming loud-voiced upwards. “CAAPTAIN…. I GOT IT” Adula announced while entering the deck. An empty deck. No comrades. And worst – also no captain. He looked carefully around not noticing that a big blue hand was approaching him from behind. “Knock. Knock. Guess who’s there…“, right in that moment everything got dark for Adula as the giant mermaid put two of her fingertips before his eyes. Adula’s body suddenly went stiff from fear. He was not able to move as if his limbs went numb in a split second. He only managed to babble a few words “Oh my god… I don’t wanna get eaten”.

“I’m fine with being called Anko, you know. Exaggerations like calling me ‘God’ will not gain you any advantage” retorted Anko very amused before she tightly closed her hand around him. She moved him up in front of her face so that he could take a deep look into her eyes. Of cause she did the same. “So, what do you think?” Anko began to converse. Still frozen from fear the human answered this question quite unexpectedly. “Your eyes are beautiful and deep as the sea itself”. Adula was fascinated while still nearly fainting from fear alone. What a strange feeling that was.

Anko blushed a bit. “You charmer… “, she shifted him a bit closer and down. When the human saw the mermaids lips coming closer he somehow regained control over his body and frantically started to struggle. “Please, do…n…t….”, but before he could finish his plead he was softly pressed against the huge closed lips. Accompanied by a big smack-sound. To his personal surprise Adula now moved back and up looking at a smiling Anko. “A little kiss as reward for my little charmer”. He was stunned. “Does that mean you won’t eat me?” he asked automatically. “Silly,…” Anko responded, “of cause I will…” her smile turned rapt, “there isn’t a law against giving you a little reward before nibbling you up, right?”

Adula’s eyes widened. He was going to get eaten alive. There was nothing he could do against that. Before this giant predator he was nothing more than a tiny lump of meat. No feeling, self-aware or conscious being which a carnivore of that size would recognize as an equal. If she would want she could easily close her hand, crushing every single bone in his body, turning him into a gooey mess of flesh and blood. “Should we get going?” the mermaid’s voice echoed in his head. He again moved closer and down, but this time the giant, beautiful and glossy gleaming, lips didn’t stay shut but where slowing parting.

“My… my… name is Adula… Anko… both of our names start with an A… so please show some mercy… okay? Okay?” he just spouted out some nonsense as the mere sight of that opening mouth coming closer nearly made him faint from fear. With an abrupt tug the movement stopped and roaring laughter rang out. “Ha Ha Ha Ha” Anko paused because she nearly run out of air. “That was the stupidest thing I ever heard somebody saying when trying to talk his way out.” She continued followed by another burst of laughter.

“Fine. Fine. I will grant you at least some more minutes before you have to start your digestion assignment”, Anko wisecracked. “But that mean bunch of killjoys on your ship have to be punished right away. That’s no way to behave - hiding inside the belly of the ship. They should hide inside my belly!” She pointed out with a concerned face looking at the ship and turning her hand around so that her captive could also see it. Adula immediately realized the mermaid had moved a bit away from the ship. “Bad honeys”, Anko shouted.

When not already trembling in fear, Adula would certainly have started now as a huge fin appeared from the sea right before the ship’s hull, starting to block the view. You could easily follow the twinkling of scales under the water from Anko’s waist to her giant fin. The mermaid stopped as her fin was already high above the ship – her tremendous size was best illustrated by her fin that was even a bit wider than the ship was long.

A shatteringly powerful noise rung through the air as Anko’s fin hit down on the ship smashing it to a nothingness of small pieces of debris floating on the big waves after the impact. A cruel smile hushed by her face. “What a nice big splash, don’t you agree?” She turned the human in her hand around which was now looking at her with a complete haggard expression. All power left Adula’s body. He still was holding that little black barrel he had fetched from the cargo bay of that ship the giant mermaid crushed with a single swing of her fin. As if it was only a little toy boat. All the remaining men on the ship certainly where scrunched by the might of the impact. His grip loosened and the barrel fell out of his and Anko’s hand down into the water.

“Don’t take it down to your heart.” Anko said consoling. “Go to my belly instead”, with that said Anko tossed the human above her head, opening her mouth and giving him a soft landing on her tongue. She closed her lips and sucked a little bit on the body inside her mouth giving off rapturously sounds. He was fun to talk to so Anko decided to grant him a quick leeway and gulped down while tickling her throat with two fingers. “Have a nice trip”, she added lastly and rubbed her belly with her other hand at the same time. What a nice and stomach filling afternoon. She was right to let the Jadong temple be the Jadong temple and paying the Topazial sea a visit.

“Huh…? What’s that?” Anko asked herself looking at a small black barrel drifting right before her. The mermaid reached out to that barrel with her right arm and tipped onto the barrel with her index finger. “From the ship? Food?” Well, she could eat some more and tipped against the barrel again. In that moment a bright and dazzling light appeared out of that barrel, followed by a huge shockwave that hit Anko totally unprepared and instantly took her out of commission.

End - Chapter 1 – Explosive Tryst

Warning: Contains Vore
Next Chapter: [Link]


[All kinds of semantic and syntactic errors are intellectual property of the autor :D (Big Grin) ]

If you have any suggestions for improvement don't hesitate to tell me - I'am not a native english speaker so I assume there might be some little (Rage) issues within this chapter. Have fun CURSE YOU! 



Felarya and Anko belong to :iconkarbo:

© 2013 - 2024 Daiyoukai-sama
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Tangentg's avatar

Got here from a karbo picture. Just finished reading this chapter. I loved the teases and the conversation, they're a favourite part of vore of mine. The show of her power and eyeing the humans like they're food too. A bit sad that she seems to be hurt at the end but I don't think that's the end of the story so I'll find out. This story has its surprises and I like stuff that surprise me.